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New Indoor Venues - Dates for the Diary

We are delighted to announce that we have two indoor Exhibition Opportunities for our Members this autumn:


Exhibition Dates: 6 – 8th October 2023

Set up Day: 5th October

This is an exciting new venture with much potential. SSS are exhibiting with Art Surrey at this inaugural Art Fair; our role being one of an exhibitor rather than an organiser. It is hoped that we can provide extra footfall and quality work of interest that will attract and encourage a wide range of enthusiastic collectors and visiting public.

Epsom Racecourse is only 30 minutes from Central London by train and we will have our own dedicated, open plan, indoor sculpture room which is stunning. The ‘Gallops Room’ has 223m2 of carpeted floor space with high ceilings. The whole south face of 24m is glass, offering a spectacular view over the racecourse and providing ample natural lighting. Facilities include a large lift by the entrance, nearby toilets, wheelchair accessibility, free WiFi, 24hour security, a café and free car parking.

The exhibition will be a rolling one which means that buyers can take their purchases away with them. Empty plinths will be filled by a bank of replacement sculptures. All work will be either floor or plinth mounted.

We can’t wait to get under starter’s orders!!

More information and application forms will be released in July


Exhibition Dates: 24th – 26th November 2023

Set up Day: 23rd November

We are delighted to be back at this unique venue to take part in the fabulously successful Craft Fair. We will once again be taking over part of this historic Surrey landmark to exhibit and sell our sculptures along with other Surrey craftspeople.

Last year we saw our room teeming with people, so much so that they had to limit numbers at times so that we could get everyone in safely! An event like this in the run up to Christmas might just be the ideal way to get exposure to new customers and a different sector of the public.

As per last year, and like Epsom, the exhibition will be a rolling one with buyers taking their purchases away with them. Empty plinths will be filled by a bank of replacement sculptures.

More information and application forms will be released in September


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